Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Why not Tebow?

At this point in the season, there is no hope for The Buccaneers to win the Superbowl or even make the playoffs. They could possibly win a game or two for pride's sake but that would come at the expense of  a higher draft choice next year. 10th in the draft doesn't get us what we need to create a sustainable future.

That being said, the Glazers, have spent a group deal of money accumulating talent that has yet to congeal to make a winning team. Although I certainly don't think Mr. Shiano should be allowed to get rid of any more talent, he's already proven he is not competent in the talent judging area, it would be interesting to see if our Bucs could keep the fans coming to the game.

Most Florida sports franchises suffer for demographic  reasons. People move to our towns and bring generations of sports prejudice with them. I believe that if the Rays, Bucs, Jaguars, Lightning... can survive long enough, eventually attendance will improve as we grow our own fan base. In the meantime, we need to put people in the seats to keep the Glazers interested in spending top dollar for personnel and for even keeping football in Tampa Bay.

The flip side of the lack of fans is to that Florida people are crazy loyal to their college Alma Maters. FSU, Miami, UF, and even UCF and USF have produced talented players, winning seasons, and loyal fans. So why not, at least for the rest of the season, see how many football players from the state of Florida we can put on the field. Start with signing Tebow or possibly trading for Ponder or maybe both.  I know Florida fans would certainly game to a game or two to watch their idol again, even if he only played from a wildcat formation, although tight end or fullback would probably suit him better. Likewise there are many FSU fans who have kept up with Ponder and would not mind giving him a chance in warmer weather.

From there, even if the players we add are not the best at their positions, people will come and cheer them on because we know and love the players, and they certainly can't do a great deal worse than the current team is doing. Who knows, maybe a team with enough familiarity with each other could gel into something more interesting than a sideline circus.

And, oh yeah, bringing in mediocre players from Rutgers or the NE doesn't make for loyal fans or for filled seats and an arrogant coach with no creativity doesn't either.

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